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Our Wines
With a variety of wines for every taste palate, Wilhelm Winery is a must-see for every wine lover. Whether a first time visitor or a veritable connoisseur, you'll be sure to feel right at home.
Fruit wines can be made from a wide variety of fruits and berries and they are a fermented alcoholic beverage. They undergo the same basic process and careful consideration which is given to making a wine from grapes. All of our fruit wines remain true to the fruit...meaning...our fruit wines are not blended with grape wines and no artificial flavorings are added to enhance the flavor. So, when you try any one of our fruit get the true fruit taste. Fruit wines are excellent to enjoy on their own and are also a wonderful pairing to utilize in your favorite dessert recipes. Enjoy them!
$18.87 | 750ml
Very sweet, intense dessert wine that explodes with blueberry flavor, after dinner or try with vanilla ice cream for a treat.
$18.87 | 750ml
Sweet fruit wine with old time country flavor, fresh from the brier patch.
$18.40 | 750ml
Made from 100% Strawberries! Sweet fruit wine, tastes like fresh strawberries int he summertime!
$14.62 | 750ml
This one is for the cherry lovers. Smooth sweet cherry flavor with a splash of tartness.
$14.62 | 750ml
Semi sweet, soft peach pie flavor and aroma. Also delicious as a hot mulled wine on cold winter days.
Cranberry Splash
$17.88 | 750ml
Made from 100% cranberry. This wine has a flavorful tart, sweet taste that will have you this really wine? The answer to that question is YES my friends, it sure is! And it is delicious!
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